How To Unfriend in BGMI – Step By Step Guide

Are you tired of playing BGMI with teammates who no longer match your gaming style or have become a constant source of frustration? Unfriending someone in BGMI may seem like a simple task, but many players are unaware of the steps involved. It’s important to know the process to avoid any confusion or frustration. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of how to unfriend in BGMI.

Why Unfriending Matters

In BGMI, having friends is cool, but sometimes, you need to let go of some. Here’s why unfriending is important:
  • Cleaning Up Your Friend List: As you play more, you’ll make lots of friends. But not all of them will be your best buddies. Unfriending helps you keep only the friends you really like or play with often.
  • Avoiding Distractions: Imagine you’re in a tense fight, and suddenly, your screen fills with notifications from friends. It’s annoying! Unfriending reduces these distractions, so you can focus better on the game.
  • Keeping Your Privacy: Not everyone needs to know everything you do in the game. Unfriending lets you control who sees your activities, keeping things private.
  • Making the Game Run Better: Too many friends can slow down the game. Unfriending helps the game run smoother and faster.
So, unfriending isn’t about being mean, it’s about making your gaming experience better. Let’s learn how to unfriend in BGMI!

How To Unfriend in BGMI?

Now that we understand why unfriending is important. Let’s understand how to unfriend in BGMI. Don’t worry, it’s easier than you might think! Just follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Open BGMI

First you have to open the BGMI game in your device.

Step 2: Open Your Friend List

When BGMI open look for the “Friends” tab or icon.

Step 3: Tap on 3 Dots

After opening friends list, tap on the “3 dot” icon which is present at the top right side.

Step 4: Click on Delete

When you tap on 3 dots, then 3 options open. Tap on the “Delete” option.

Step 5: Select the Friend

Then select the friend you want to unfriend from your friend list.

Step 6: Delete Friend

After selecting friend, click on the “Delete” option which is present at bottom right side.

Step 7: Click Ok to Confirm

Then click “Ok” to confirm. By following these steps, you can easily unfriend in BGMI and keep your friend list tidy and manageable. Don’t worry about hurting anyone’s feelings, it’s just part of the game!

Tips for Managing Friend Lists

Managing your friend list in BGMI is not just about adding and removing friends, it’s about curating a community that enhances your gaming experience. Here are some handy tips to help you master the art of friend list management:

1. Regular Reviews

Make it a habit to review your friend list regularly. Weed out inactive players or those you no longer play with to keep your list fresh and relevant.

2. Quality over Quantity

It’s tempting to add as many friends as possible, but remember, it’s quality over quantity. Focus on building connections with players who share your gaming style and interests.

3. Communicate

Don’t be afraid to communicate with your friends. Let them know if you’re taking a break from the game or if you prefer to play solo for a while. Open communication can prevent misunderstandings and maintain healthy gaming relationships.

4. Set Boundaries

Just like in real life, it’s essential to set boundaries in your gaming relationships. Don’t feel obligated to accept every friend request or play with everyone who asks. Prioritize your own enjoyment and well-being.

4. Be Respectful

Treat your friends with respect and kindness, even when unfriending them. Remember, it’s not personal, it’s about optimizing your gaming experience. A simple message explaining your decision can go a long way in maintaining goodwill.

5. Stay Active

Stay active in the game and participate in community events to meet new friends and expand your network. Engaging with other players can lead to meaningful connections and enrich your gaming experience. By following these tips, you can effectively manage your friend list in BGMI and create a supportive gaming community that enhances your overall experience. Remember, it’s not just about winning, it’s about enjoying the journey with friends by your side.


Congratulations! You’ve now learned the importance of managing your friend list in BGMI and how to unfriend in BGMI. By applying the tips and techniques outlined in this guide, you’re well on your way to optimizing your gaming experience and creating a community of friends who enhance your gameplay. As you continue your journey in BGMI, keep these principles in mind. Regularly review your friend list, prioritize quality over quantity, communicate openly with your friends, and always remember to set boundaries and be respectful.

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