How To Setup A Linux Server For Remote Accessing IoT Devices

So you want to remotely access your IoT devices? Awesome! There are a few things you’ll need in order to get started. This guide will walk you through the steps needed to setup a Linux server for remote accessing IoT devices. In recent years, the number of devices that can be controlled remotely has exploded. With technology constantly evolving, there’s no stopping the trend of IoT devices becoming more connected. From home security systems to industrial machines, having access to them from anywhere is becoming increasingly important. And that means remote control via a Linux server! Setting up a Linux server for remote access is simpler than it seems. Once your server is up and running, you’ll be able to control all your devices from anywhere in the world. In this guide, we’ll show you how to setup a Linux server for remote accessing IoT devices

What Is A Linux Server?

A Linux server is like a powerful computer that runs on the Linux operating system, designed for hosting websites, and applications, and managing network resources. Unlike personal computers, servers don’t have graphical interfaces; they are typically command-line-based. Linux servers offer stability, security, and cost-effectiveness. They excel at multitasking and can handle multiple processes simultaneously. Think of a Linux server as a virtual landlord for websites and services, responding to requests from users around the world. It provides a reliable foundation for businesses and individuals to deploy their online presence. In summary, a Linux server is a robust, efficient, and secure platform for hosting and managing digital content.

What Is Remote Access?

Remote access refers to the ability to connect and control a computer or network from a distant location. It enables users to access files, applications, and systems as if they were physically present at a remote location. This can be crucial for businesses, allowing employees to work from home or access company resources while on the go. In simpler terms, remote access lets you use your computer or device to connect to another device or network, even if they’re far apart. It’s like having a virtual connection that bridges the gap between you and your computer at the office, for instance. This technology is especially handy for troubleshooting, collaboration, and flexibility in our increasingly interconnected world.

What Are IoT Devices?

IoT, or Internet of Things, devices are everyday objects that connect to the internet, allowing them to send and receive data. These devices can range from smart thermostats and fitness trackers to industrial sensors and self-driving cars. The idea is to make these objects “smart” by enabling them to collect and exchange information. In simpler terms, IoT devices are like regular items that have been upgraded with the ability to communicate with each other and with us. For example, a smart fridge can notify you when you’re running low on groceries. These devices often enhance efficiency and convenience by automating tasks and providing valuable insights. Imagine a world where your watch talks to your phone, which talks to your car, creating a seamless web of connectivity. That’s the Internet of Things in action—making our lives smarter and more interconnected.

How To Setup A Linux Server For Remote Accessing IoT Devices

Do you want to be able to access your IoT devices from anywhere in the world? If so, you need a Linux server. Remotely accessing IoT devices is important for a variety of reasons. For example, if you are away from your home or office, you can still manage your devices. Or, if there is an emergency and you cannot get to your device, you can still control it remotely. Setting up a Linux server for remote access is not difficult. Below is a step-by-step process on how to set up a Linux server for remotely accessing IoT devices:

Step 1: Choose the Right Linux Distribution

The first crucial decision is selecting the appropriate Linux distribution. Options like Ubuntu Server, CentOS, and Debian are popular choices. For this guide, we’ll use Ubuntu Server due to its user-friendly interface and robust community support.

Step 2: Install Ubuntu Server

Download the latest version of Ubuntu Server from the official website. Create a bootable USB drive and follow the installation wizard, ensuring that you select the SSH server option for remote access.

Step 3: Update and Upgrade

After installation, log in to your server update the package list, and upgrade existing packages:
  • Run: sudo apt update
  • Run: sudo apt upgrade
This ensures your server has the latest security patches and software updates.

Step 4: Configure Network Settings

Assign a static IP address to your server to prevent connectivity issues. Edit the netplan configuration file with your preferred text editor: Run: sudo nano /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml Adjust the file to include the desired static IP address and DNS settings, then save and apply the changes: Run: sudo netplan apply

Step 5: Install and Configure OpenSSH

Secure Shell (SSH) is crucial for remote access. Install OpenSSH: Run: sudo apt install openssh-server Configure SSH for increased security by modifying the sshd_config file: Run: sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config Update settings such as port number, permit root login, and disable password authentication if desired. Restart the SSH service: Run: sudo service ssh restart

Step 6: Set Up Firewall Rules

Enable the built-in UFW firewall and create rules to allow SSH traffic: Run: sudo ufw enable Run: sudo ufw allow ssh

Step 7: Install and Configure a Web Server (Optional)

For web-based access, consider installing a web server like Nginx or Apache. For Nginx: Run: sudo apt install nginx Configure Nginx to serve your web application by modifying the default site configuration file: Run: sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/default Adjust the file to point to your web application’s directory and restart Nginx: Run: sudo service nginx restart

Step 8: Install Required Software

Depending on your IoT devices, install the necessary software and drivers. For example, for Raspberry Pi devices: Run: sudo apt install raspi-config

Step 9: Set Up User Accounts

Create user accounts for individuals who need access to the server. Assign permissions based on their roles: Run: sudo adduser username Run: sudo usermod -aG sudo username

Step 10: Implement Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Enhance security by implementing Two-Factor Authentication: Run: sudo apt install libpam-google-authenticator Run: sudo nano /etc/pam.d/sshd Add auth required at the end of the file.

Step 11: Install a VPN (Optional)

For added security, consider setting up a Virtual Private Network (VPN). For OpenVPN: Run: sudo apt install openvpn Follow the OpenVPN documentation to configure the server and generate client certificates.

Step 12: Regular Backups

Implement a robust backup strategy using tools like rsync or automated backups with services like Duplicity. Regularly test your backup and recovery processes.

Step 13: Monitor Server Performance

Utilize monitoring tools like Prometheus and Grafana to keep an eye on your server’s performance. Set up alerts for critical metrics to proactively address potential issues.


In conclusion, establishing remote access to IoT devices through a Linux server is an accessible and valuable endeavor. This guide has provided a comprehensive roadmap, from selecting the right Linux distribution to implementing security measures such as Two-Factor Authentication and VPNs. By following these steps, you empower yourself to seamlessly manage and monitor your IoT devices from any corner of the globe. Visit TheTechnoTalks to read more blogs like these.

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