How To Get FIFA Points In FIFA Mobile

Leveling up your FIFA Mobile game is a breeze with our guide on “How to Get FIFA Points in FIFA Mobile.” Enhancing your gameplay, both on and off the virtual field, is simpler than you might think. Discover easy methods to secure more FIFA Points, ensuring you stay one step ahead in the game. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, our tips are designed to elevate your gaming adventure. Bid farewell to in-game limitations and welcome a powerhouse team with the coveted FIFA Points in your arsenal. Join us on this gaming journey, where every click brings you closer to victory!

What Are FIFA Points In FIFA Mobile?

FIFA Points in the FIFA Mobile game are like the golden tickets that open up a world of possibilities for players. They’re the in-game currency that allows you to make exciting purchases and enhance your gaming experience. These points can be used to buy various items, such as packs, bundles, and even special offers. In simple terms, FIFA Points are your virtual currency passport to unlocking a range of goodies that can take your gameplay to the next level. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting, understanding the significance of FIFA Points is key to maximizing your enjoyment of the game.

Ways to Earn FIFA Points FIFA Mobile

FIFA Points are like special coins in the game that help you get cool stuff. Here’s how you can easily get them:

Daily Rewards:

Just log in every day, and the game will give you free stuff, sometimes even FIFA Points. It’s like a daily gift!


Play the game, complete challenges, and you’ll earn FIFA Points. It’s like getting a reward for doing cool things in the game.

Events and Tournaments:

Join special events and tournaments. If you play well, you can win FIFA Points. It’s a fun way to compete and get rewards.

League Rewards:

Be part of a team (a league) and do activities together. You can earn FIFA Points as a team. Teamwork makes the dream work!

Watch Ads:

Sometimes, the game will ask if you want to watch a short video. If you do, you get FIFA Points. It’s like watching a quick ad and getting a reward.

In-Game Offers:

Look out for special deals in the game. Sometimes, you can buy things that come with extra FIFA Points. It’s a good way to get more for your money. So, by playing regularly, completing challenges, joining events, being part of a league, watching short ads, and grabbing special offers, you can easily collect FIFA Points and make your game even more awesome!

Participating in Live Events On FIFA Mobile

Playing in Live Events in FIFA Mobile is a cool way to enjoy the game and grab some rewards, including FIFA Points. Here’s how you can do it easily:

Check the Schedule:

Look at the event calendar to see when different Live Events are happening. It’s like a schedule for all the fun stuff.

Just Join In:

It’s easy! Just participate in the Live Events. They’re like quick games or challenges that pop up regularly. No need to stress; it’s all for fun.

Skill Challenges:

Some events focus on specific skills like shooting or passing. Try these challenges to get better at the game and win rewards, including FIFA Points.

Finish to Win:

Complete the events, and you get rewards. It’s that simple. Even if you don’t come first, you still get cool stuff just for playing.


Some events show leaderboards, telling you how well you’re doing compared to others. If you aim high, you could win extra rewards, maybe even more FIFA Points.

Special Events:

Keep an eye out for special, limited-time events. They usually come with better rewards, including more FIFA Points. It’s like a bonus round for extra goodies.

Stamina Reminder:

Some events use stamina, which is like energy. Make sure you have enough stamina to play. It refills on its own over time, so you can come back later if you run out. Remember, Live Events are all about having fun. Even if you don’t win every time, you still get rewards just for playing. So, when you see a Live Event happening, jump in, enjoy the game, and watch those rewards, including FIFA Points, roll in!

League Rewards and Achievements In FIFA Mobile

In FIFA Mobile, being part of a league and completing achievements can score you some awesome rewards, including FIFA Points. Let’s break down how you can benefit from league rewards and achievements in simple terms:

League Rewards:

  • Joining a League:
First things first, join a league! It’s like being part of a team with other players.
  • League Activities:
Leagues have different activities like playing matches together or completing challenges. Participate in these activities with your league mates.
  • Teamwork Pays Off:
The more you and your league mates contribute, the better the rewards. Teamwork makes the dream work!
  • League Rewards:
As your league completes activities, you earn rewards. These can include FIFA Points, which are super valuable.
  • League Achievements:
Leagues also have achievements. When your league completes certain tasks or milestones, you get even more rewards, sometimes including FIFA Points.


  • In-Game Goals:
Achievements are like in-game goals. Complete tasks like scoring a certain number of goals or playing a set number of matches.
  • Easy Wins, Easy Rewards:
Achievements can be easy wins. As you naturally play the game, you’ll likely unlock achievements without even trying.
  • More Than Points:
Completing achievements doesn’t just give you FIFA Points. You can also get other cool stuff like player cards, coins, or special items.
  • Keep an Eye Out:
Check the achievements list regularly. New ones might appear, giving you more opportunities to earn rewards.
  • Personal Progress:
Achievements track your personal progress in the game. It’s like a pat on the back for all the awesome things you’re doing. So, by being part of an active league and completing achievements, you can stack up on rewards, including the coveted FIFA Points. It’s all about playing together, reaching goals, and enjoying the perks that come with being a top-notch FIFA Mobile player!

Avoiding Scams and Unauthorized Point Generators

Playing FIFA Mobile is fun, but it’s important to be careful to avoid scams. Here’s how to keep things safe and simple:

1. Stick to Official Sources:

Only buy FIFA Points from the game’s official channels. Avoid third-party sites or apps promising free points.

2. Watch Out for Free Offers:

Be cautious of offers that sound too good to be true. Scams often use the promise of free FIFA Points to trick players.

3. Use Secure Payment Methods:

When making in-game purchases, use trusted payment methods like credit cards. Avoid sharing personal information with unknown sources.

4. Turn on Extra Security:

If possible, enable two-factor authentication for your gaming account. This adds an extra layer of protection.

5. Report Suspicious Activity:

If you come across anything suspicious, report it to EA Sports. They have channels to address fraudulent behavior and keep the gaming community safe.


In summary, knowing “How To Get FIFA Points In FIFA Mobile” is crucial for a better gaming experience. Just log in daily, complete challenges, join events, be part of a league, watch short ads, and check special offers to collect FIFA Points. Participating in live events is fun too – just play, finish challenges, and enjoy rewards, including FIFA Points. Being in a league and completing achievements also gets you cool rewards. But remember, stay safe from scams by using official sources and secure payment methods. Play smart, have fun, and score those FIFA Points responsibly!

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