10 Legendary Hackers Who Shook the Digital World

Bes Hac T2

Hackers have done some unbelievable things, often breaking into highly secure websites even when they were just teenagers. They’ve hacked for fun, curiosity, money, or to prove a point. Their actions have sometimes caused billions in damages and widespread panic.

In this article, we’ll explore the top 10 hackers who achieved the impossible and left a mark on the world.


10. Gary McKinnon

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Gary McKinnon pulled off one of the biggest computer hacks ever. He broke into NASA’s website to find information about UFOs. He shut down 2,000 computers for a whole day and left a message on their site saying, “your security is crap.”

McKinnon claims he saw shocking evidence of UFOs while he was inside. He found pictures of extraterrestrial spacecraft and discovered something called “The Disclosure Project.” This project included over 400 credible accounts about aliens and their technology. McKinnon’s goal was to uncover information about free energy suppression and UFO cover-ups.

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