How to Securely Connect to a Linux Server with SSH

Struggling to securely connect to your Linux server? Did you know that SSH (Secure Shell) is the go-to protocol for remote access and management of Linux servers? In this article, we’ll show you how to install, configure, and use SSH to safely connect to your server.


Explanation of Linux SSH Server (Secure Shell)

SSH, short for Secure Shell, is a protocol that secures remote access to Linux servers and devices over insecure networks. It provides encrypted connections between clients and servers, making it hard for hackers to intercept data.

This method protects your login information, commands sent over the terminal, and files transferred across the network. SSH replaces older methods like telnet and FTP where data was not secure.

Using SSH allows only authorized users to control a Linux server or any device running the SSH server component through secure authentication with SSH keys or passwords. It defends against brute force attacks by encrypting the connection details and also offers options for secure commandline access.

Server security experts recommend using keybased authentication instead of passwords because it adds an additional layer of security.


Importance of secure connections for Linux servers

Secure connections for Linux servers are crucial for protecting sensitive data from unauthorized access and potential cyber threats. By using the SSH protocol, users ensure that their internet connection security is upheld, safeguarding terminal access to remote servers.

This level of encryption prevents attackers from intercepting or tampering with the data transmitted between the user and the server.

Linux server security relies heavily on techniques like secure remote server connection through SSH. The integrity of a Linux operating system can be compromised if proper precautions are not taken to secure these connections.

Employing strong encryption methods and authentication ensures that only authorized users gain access, significantly reducing the risk of data breaches and maintaining network security at all times.


Installing and Configuring OpenSSH Server

To set up OpenSSH Server, install the software and configure it according to your security needs. Then verify that the SSH service is running properly and adjust your firewall settings to allow access through port 22.


Installing OpenSSH

To install OpenSSH on your Linux server, begin by using the package manager to install the OpenSSH server. Next, configure the SSH server for optimal security. Don’t forget to open port 22 on your firewall to allow SSH connections.

Finally, verify that the SSH service is running properly. These steps will ensure a secure and efficient remote access using SSH while enhancing Linux server security with public key authentication and default SSH port configuration measures.


Configuring OpeSSH

To configure OpenSSH, follow these steps:

  1. Install OpenSSH by running the command “sudo apt-get install openssh-server” for Debian-based systems or “sudo yum install openssh-server” for Red Hat-based systems.
  2. After installation, edit the SSH configuration file located at “/etc/ssh/sshd_config” to customize settings such as port number, authentication methods, and access permissions.
  3. For example, change the default port from 22 to a different value using the “Port” directive in the configuration file to enhance security against unauthorized access attempts.
  4. Verify that the SSH service is running by executing “sudo systemctl status ssh” for systemd-based systems or “sudo service ssh status” for init-based systems.
  5. Configure the firewall to allow incoming SSH connections by opening port 22 using commands like “sudo ufw allow 22/tcp” for UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall) on Ubuntu.


Example configuration directive

When configuring OpenSSH, it is crucial to use the “PermitRootLogin” directive in the sshd_config file to disable root login. This ensures that the root user cannot directly log in via SSH, enhancing security.

Additionally, by setting “PermitRootLogin no,” you can enforce best practices for securing SSH access and protect against unauthorized access attempts.

Remember, disabling root user login and following SSH best practices are essential steps in securing your Linux server against potential threats.

By incorporating this example configuration directive into your OpenSSH setup, you can greatly enhance the overall security posture of your system while adhering to best practices for secure SSH connections.


Verifying SSH service

After installing and configuring OpenSSH on the Linux server, ensure to verify the SSH service for successful activation. Use the command “sudo systemctl status sshd” to confirm that the SSH service is active and running without any errors.

This step ensures that the SSH server is ready to securely accept incoming connections from authorized users or systems.

By incorporating this straightforward verification process, you can ascertain that your Linux server is ready for secure remote connections through SSH, enhancing its overall security and accessibility.


Configuring firewall and opening port 22

To secure the connection to a Linux server, it’s important to configure the firewall and open port 22. Here’s a detailed guide on how to do this:

  1. Use the command line to configure the firewall settings.
  2. Open port 22 for incoming SSH connections.
  3. Ensure that only necessary ports are open for improved security.
  4. Regularly monitor and update firewall rules to adapt to changing security needs.
  5. Consider implementing additional security measures such as IP whitelisting or blacklisting.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your Linux server is securely connected using SSH.


Using SSH Keys for Two-Factor Authentication

Set up two-factor authentication using SSH keys for enhanced security. This method ensures an added layer of protection when accessing your Linux server with SSH.


Explanation of SSH keys

SSH keys are a pair of cryptographic keys used for secure communication between two parties. The public key is shared with the server, while the private key is kept on the client machine.

These keys authenticate the user and encrypt data being transmitted, providing a more secure alternative to password-based authentication. By importing keys from public key servers, users can streamline the process of securely connecting to Linux servers using SSH.

Additionally, setting up two-factor authentication with U2F/FIDO and TOTP/HOTP further strengthens security by requiring both something you have (the SSH key) and something you know (the passphrase).


Importing keys from public keyservers

When it comes to importing keys from public keyservers, you can easily obtain the public key of a user or organization by retrieving it from a public keyserver. Simply use the “gpg” command with the “–recv-keys” option followed by the specific key ID to import the desired public key onto your Linux server.

This process allows for secure and convenient access to authenticated SSH connections, enhancing the overall security of your server environment.

Utilizing public keyservers facilitates seamless integration of trusted keys into your SSH setup, ensuring reliable and verified authentication mechanisms for secure remote access.

By incorporating this approach, you can enhance the security of your Linux server while streamlining the process of importing essential keys from reputable sources.


Setting up two-factor authentication with U2F/FIDO and TOTP/HOTP

To set up two-factor authentication with U2F/FIDO and TOTP/HOTP, follow these steps:

  1. Understanding U2F/FIDO and TOTP/HOTP:
    • U2F/FIDO offers an advanced form of two-factor authentication using a physical security key.
    • TOTP/HOTP provides two-factor authentication through time-based or counter-based one-time passwords.


  2. Enabling U2F/FIDO and TOTP/HOTP on the Server:
    • Install required packages for U2F/FIDO and TOTP/HOTP support on the server.
    • Configure the SSH server to accept U2F/FIDO and TOTP/HOTP as valid second factors for authentication.


  3. Registering Security Keys for U2F:
    • Connect your U2F security key to the device.
    • Register the key with your user account on the server.


  4. Setting Up TOTP/HOTP Authentication:
    • Use an authenticator app to generate time-based or counter-based one-time passwords.
    • Associate the generated codes with your user account on the server.


  5. Testing Two-Factor Authentication:
    • Test logging into the server using SSH with both U2F/FIDO and TOTP/HOTP as second factors.


  6. Implementing Access Controls:
    • Adjust access levels based on successful two-factor authentication.
    • Utilize role-based access control systems where appropriate.


  7. Continuing Monitoring and Maintenance:
    • Regularly review logs for any anomalies related to two-factor authentication.
    • Keep software dependencies up-to-date to maintain security measures.


Remember to regularly update your 2FA methods in line with best practices.


Example with U2F

Setting up two-factor authentication with U2F ensures an added layer of security for SSH connections to Linux servers. U2F, or Universal 2nd Factor, uses a physical hardware token as the second factor in the authentication process.

This provides enhanced protection against unauthorized access by requiring the user to have both their password and the physical U2F device to log in securely.

By integrating U2F into the SSH login process, it greatly reduces the risk of unauthorized access even if passwords are compromised. Embracing this advanced technology not only strengthens your server’s security but also aligns with best practices for safeguarding sensitive data on Linux servers.


FIDO2 resident keys

FIDO2 resident keys offer an extra layer of security by storing cryptographic keys on a hardware device, such as a USB security key or a smartphone with built-in security features.

This means that the private keys never leave the device, making it significantly harder for unauthorized users to gain access to your system. To top it off, FIDO2 resident keys also help prevent phishing attacks and are resistant to many forms of cyber threats.

By using FIDO2 resident keys in conjunction with SSH for two-factor authentication, you can ensure that only authorized individuals with physical access to the secure device can log in to your Linux server.

This advanced form of protection goes beyond traditional password methods and provides peace of mind when accessing sensitive information on your server.


Logging in using 2FA

To log in using 2FA, set up two-factor authentication with U2F/FIDO and TOTP/HOTP. This involves importing keys from public keyservers and configuring the server to recognize them.

An example of this process includes setting up U2F for enhanced security.

Additionally, it’s advisable to use FIDO2 resident keys to further secure the login process. When logging in, ensure that both factors are required for authentication before access is granted.

This dual-layered security approach enhances protection when connecting to a Linux server with SSH.


Additional Security Measures for SSH

Enhance SSH security by changing the default TCP listening port and disabling password authentication. These measures add an extra layer of protection to your Linux server without compromising usability.


Changing default TCP listening port

Change the default TCP listening port to enhance security measures for your Linux server. By doing so, you can help prevent potential unauthorized access attempts targeting the standard port 22.

This simple change can significantly reduce the risk of automated attacks and enhance the overall security of your SSH connection.


Disabling password authentication

To enhance the security of your Linux server, consider disabling password authentication in favor of more secure methods like SSH keys or two-factor authentication. By doing this, you reduce the risk of unauthorized access through brute force attacks on passwords.

This involves modifying the SSH daemon configuration file to disallow password-based logins and encouraging users to utilize alternative, more secure methods for authenticating their identity, such as public key cryptography.

Embracing this best practice is crucial in fortifying your server against potential security threats and ensuring that only authorized users can gain access.

By implementing this measure, you bolster the overall security posture of your server and mitigate the vulnerabilities associated with traditional password-based authentication. Through this proactive step, you align with industry best practices and contribute to a more robust security framework for your Linux environment.


Disabling root access

To enhance security, consider disabling root access for SSH. By editing the sshd_config file and setting “PermitRootLogin” to “no,” you can prevent direct root logins, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and potential system compromises.

This extra layer of protection ensures that users must first login with their own account before using the “su” command to gain root privileges, adding an additional barrier against malicious activity.

Furthermore, by prohibiting direct root access, you restrict potential attackers from directly targeting the all-powerful root account, minimizing the impact of any successful breach attempts.

This contributes significantly to fortifying your server’s defenses and safeguarding sensitive data from unauthorized manipulation or theft.


Using TCP wrappers

When it comes to enhancing the security of your Linux server, using TCP wrappers is crucial. TCP wrappers allow you to control and restrict access to services like SSH based on the IP address of incoming connections.

By configuring the /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny files, you can permit or deny specific hosts from accessing your server. This extra layer of security helps in fortifying your SSH service against unauthorized access attempts.

In addition, TCP wrappers play a pivotal role in augmenting the overall security posture of your Linux server by providing an additional barrier against potential threats.

Adhering to best practices such as configuring TCP wrappers can significantly mitigate the risk of unauthorized access attempts through SSH, ultimately bolstering the security framework for connecting to your Linux server securely with SSH.


Employing multilayer security

To fortify the security of your Linux server, employing multilayer security is crucial. This involves implementing measures such as changing the default TCP listening port, disabling password authentication, and restricting root access.

Additionally, using TCP wrappers to filter incoming connections and setting up intrusion detection systems can add another layer of protection against unauthorized access attempts that may compromise your server’s security.

By deploying multilayer security tactics like these, you significantly enhance the robustness of your server’s defenses against potential threats or breaches that could compromise sensitive data and system integrity.


Troubleshooting and Further Steps

Troubleshooting common SSH issues and utilizing useful SSH commands and tools can help address any difficulties encountered. Additionally, you can find tips for secure login information and get access to useful resources and tutorials for using SSH.


VNC over SSH

To enable VNC over SSH, start by ensuring that the VNC server is installed and running on the Linux system. Next, establish an SSH connection to the server using a command similar to “ssh -L 5901:localhost:5901 username@server_ip” which forwards local port 5901 to the remote machine’s VNC service.

Now, connect your VNC client software to ‘localhost:1’ (or ‘’) and provide the appropriate credentials for access.

Incorporating VNC over SSH provides an additional layer of security when accessing graphical interfaces remotely as all data passed between the client and server is encrypted within the secure SSH tunnel, safeguarding it from unauthorized access or interception.


Useful SSH commands and tools

    1. Monitor active SSH connections with the “sshd” command to view current login sessions and their status.
    2. Analyze SSH authentication logs using the “journalctl” command to troubleshoot login issues and monitor unauthorized access attempts.
    3. Utilize the “ssh-keygen” command to generate new SSH key pairs for secure authentication, ensuring strong encryption and passphrase protection.
    4. Employ the “scp” command for secure file transfer between local and remote systems, providing a seamless and encrypted data exchange.
    5. Enhance security by utilizing the “fail2ban” tool to protect against brute-force attacks on SSH, automatically blocking malicious IP addresses.
    6. Monitor system resources and performance during SSH sessions with the “htop” command, allowing for real-time insights into server activity.
    7. Securely access remote desktop environments via SSH with the “X11 forwarding” feature, enabling graphical interface connections over an encrypted channel.


Troubleshooting common SSH issues

Having trouble with your SSH connection? Here are some common issues and how to troubleshoot them:

    1. Incorrect permissions on SSH directory or files: Use chmod command to set the correct permissions for the .ssh directory and authorized_keys file.
    2. Connection timeouts: Check network connectivity, firewall settings, and ensure the server is reachable from the client machine.
    3. Invalid key pair: Generate a new SSH key pair and replace the old public key in authorized_keys file if the current one is invalid.
    4. Authentication failures: Verify username and password, check for any typos, and ensure the account is not locked or expired.
    5. Host key verification failed: Remove the cached host key from known_hosts file or update it when connecting to a new server.
    6. Excessive logging causing disk space issues: Adjust SSH logging level in sshd_config file to reduce disk space usage by logs.


Tips for secure login information

Use unique and complex passwords for your SSH login.

Avoid using easily guessable information like birthdays or common words.

Consider using a password manager to generate and store strong, unique passwords securely.


Useful resources and tutorials for using SSH.

Explore these valuable resources and tutorials to master using SSH for securely connecting to Linux servers. Learn from comprehensive guides, step-by-step tutorials, and in-depth articles covering SSH best practices, security measures, troubleshooting tips, and advanced techniques.

Acquire insights into optimizing SSH configurations, setting up 2FA with SSH keys, and leveraging additional security measures to fortify your server’s defenses.

Discover expert advice on changing default TCP listening ports, disabling password authentication, securing root access, and implementing multilayer security for enhanced protection against unauthorized access.

Access useful tools and commands for seamless navigation through common SSH issues while ensuring secure login information. Delve into VNC over SSH solutions to provide remote desktop connectivity securely.

These resources are essential for technology enthusiasts seeking a robust understanding of SSH usage for Linux servers.



Securely connecting to a Linux server with SSH is crucial for ensuring data safety and system integrity. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can set up a secure and reliable connection.

Implementing two-factor authentication, additional security measures, and troubleshooting tips will bolster your server’s defenses. With these tools at your disposal, you can confidently navigate the complexities of securing your Linux server with SSH.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


1. What is SSH?

SSH stands for Secure Shell. It’s a way to securely connect to a Linux server over the internet.


2. How do I start using SSH to connect to a Linux server?

To use SSH, you need two things: the IP address of the Linux server and an SSH client installed on your computer.


3. Is connecting with SSH to a Linux server safe?

Yes, connecting with SSH is safe because it encrypts your data. This means no one can see what you’re sending or receiving.


4. Can I use SSH on any computer?

Yes, you can use SSH from any computer as long as it has an SSH client software installed.


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